The SNB and the LNB renew their agreement!

28 June 2024
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-27 at 18.14.44

Yesterday saw the last board meeting of the 2023-2024 season at the LNB. On this occasion, the SNB and the LNB signed the agreement that will bind them for the next four seasons!

SNB President Amara Sy was present, along with LNB President Mr Ausseur, to formalize the agreement and renew the mutual trust between the two organizations.


The agreement provides an opportunity to reiterate the SNB’s various missions with regard to players in the French leagues:

– Inform

– Protect

– Defend

– Represent


But also the SNB’s presence on the LNB’s Board of Directors and General Meeting, where we have two representative votes.

We are also present on other bodies such as the LNB board, the joint commission or various working groups such as the joint LNB/FFBB training commission.

The aim is always the same: to speak up for players and defend their rights throughout the season.


This agreement therefore contributes to the missions and projects developed by our structure for players, such as support in training and professional retraining!


The SNB would like to thank the LNB for the long-term nature of this agreement and the constructive exchanges that have taken place over the years, always in the interests of French basketball.

This signature marks the continuity of an essential collaboration, contributing to the representation and support of players, synonymous with a shared desire to accompany the development of professional basketball in France.

We would also like to thank all the players who, by placing their trust in us each season, enable us to represent their voice within the LNB and thus contribute to the improvement of their professional environment.


Julie Campassens
06 60 86 12 23

Arthur Daroux
06 59 17 98 26